Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Marketing 101 Should Have Been

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Here is a book I recently read for those of you trying to earn some extra cash by starting your own business.

Whether you are in business for yourself, work at a small company, or work in a large company, in sales or marketing everyone should read this book.  Not only does Jay Levinson teach you about marketing in general, he teaches you what you should be doing step by step to grow your business.

I have always looked on marketing as voodoo but after reading this book I have come to realize that was due to dealing with people that did not know how to market.  Every piece of marketing should be tested, measured, and repeated if successful.  The problem I have seen with most marketing plans is that there is not a proper formula that is followed.  Jay gives you a plan to follow and one that works.  

The book starts you off talking about the basics of any marketing campaign.  Making sure you have the right targets based on your current customer profile, what is your measure for success, what are you wanting your prospect to do.  After these basics are laid out then it is time to talk tactics.  What types of marketing are good for your business.  Is it your business event driven, television, radio, Internet, magazine, or a combo of differing types.  Along the way Jay has tons of examples of how to use these mediums of influence successfully, and how to save money when you use them.

Jay also talks about what your marketing materials should look like.  From your business cards, to your brochures Jay gives you great tips on what you should be trying to accomplish with each marketing tool.  Jay also delves into what each of these things says about you to a customer.

Overall this book is great and should be read by anyone that works in a company or owns a business (Did I leave anyone out?).  I loved the simple approaches and many examples of how to market yourself and your business.  Jay also gives you a list of other books, articles, and websites, that he finds useful.


Joshua said...

This is a great book. I just started reading it recently and I'm really enjoying it. I'm a copywriter and I started my own business back in May so this sort of education is critical to the growth of my business...Nice blog by the way, I found you via Google+!

Unknown said...

Thanks Joshua! I am glad to hear you are enjoying the blog.